Friday, October 29

hell yeah. aku idup lg la :)


weeeewooooo. weeeeewooooo. yeah. ellow peeps. sesangat la lme x menconteng conteng entry kt blog nieyh kn. uhuk. t'sangat la busy and xde idea nk d'coret kn kowt. kalo de pown btter coret kn kt pper test. heee. coz pale nieyh mmg pnuh dgn hafalan and istilah istilah engnring jerk -.- bdw. alhamdulillah. aku msih idup and still dpt mengeluarkn entry yg xsbrape kt blog nieyh. 

hurmm. nk d'jdik kn cite. my life just being btter and more more btter rite now. xtaw knpe. but aku rse bhgie sgt. but sometimes de jgk rse rse sdih and tnsion. normal la tu kan. that's what we call LIFE. kalo nk happy memanjang. errrrkkkk?! ssah la idup kn. jdik owg glerh pown kdg kdg dier de rse sdih jgak. 

errm. okay. smbung cite psal idup aku. psl pe jerk yeak. haaa. pe yg aku rse skunx. aku rse. aku bhgie sgt sgt sgt de boyfie yg t'sgt sgt caring, loving and mcm mcm lg. pnjg lbar kalo nk dscribe. di pndek kan. aku syg sgt kt dier. and aku cnte kn dier sgt sgt sgt. yeaahh. he's my life you guys. my oxygen. i can't even breath if he is not here with me. thanx biby. syg appriciate every single things that you've done for me. yup. da nk dkat tujuh blan kte s'sme. syg bhgie sgt de biby ngan syg. i love you. i love you. i love you kayh biby.

pjam clik pjam clik. lbih krang setaun stngah da aku kt UTHM. hurrmm. xlme jerk lg kowt. pjam and clik lg. aku bkal gnggam dip. tp aku dpt rse kn. sem nieyh quite tough ntuk aku. coz i want to catch my gold. aku nk tbus sume sume bnde bdoh yg aku da ccir kn kt sem sem lpas. and aku da nmpk de kmjuan ckit kowt. myb xbpe. tp fnal nieyh aku wat sbaek mngkin. insyaAllah. aku da pnat t'ccir. and da pnat de kt bwah. aku t'lmpau leka. and skunx aku da sdar. so aku kne la mule b'tndak kn kn. lgpown aku rse, sem nieyh bg aku bnyk ksdaran. bnyk yg aku dpt and bljar. myb coz fktor usie kowt. usie da mngkat gmak nye. wuuuuu. a'ah kn. bwu t'ingat. taun nieyh taun t'akhir aku pgang title "remaja belasan tahun". uhuk. next year i'm gonna turn 20. ouh GOD ! it's hard to blieve it. tp tu la yg bkal jdik. so trime jerk la ngn ati yg t'buke.

eerrrmmm. huuuurrrrmm. errrrrr.. mcm da xtaw jerk nk cite pe. smpai cni jerk kowt. actually nk abiz kn mse jerk nieyh. tnggu amin abiz stdy. nk SKYPE-ing. heee. lg 1 nk ckp. esok aku blik umah. yeeeaaaayyy ! stdy week 3mnggu ouh ! gmpak x ? gmpak x ? hahak. then FINAL :|

okay la guys. xlarat lg nk taip kowt. lgpown otak da tepu. xtaw nk coret pe lg. smpai cni jerk for this entry. see you in the next entry yeak. Abientot ! Pai.......


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